2008 Ryan Awards: Most Festive Person Award

Most Festive Person Award

There is usually that one person that can make any day some thing special; regardless of the actual day itself. Be it through creative snacks, home-made decor or just in their pleasantness and ability to match the seasons' warmth and character. For us, there are two that stand out and they are rightfully nominated for the 2008 Most Festive Person Award.

Sarah Carter, Certifier
From hearty, warm breakfast snacks, to always up for an adventure, and always being a great errand buddy (be it to Safeway for Support Group or Dairy Queen for a sugar rush); Sarah brings a certain energy and festive nature to most of what she does here at Kerr. Even her hair color changes (artificially) to correspond with the seasons; from classic blonde in the summer to an auburn color in the winter.

Susan Sheets, Recruiter/Trainer
A resident Martha Stewart, Susan holds the crown when it comes to seasonal decor. From scarecrow wreaths to little seasonal characters tacked around the hallway and home-grown art upon the walls; Susan brings a level of festivity to the office that has not been seen in many years (from my own make-shift seasonal decorations that hung over my old office). There is not a square inch in-or-around Susan & Sarah's office that has not been touched by Susan's presence or brush... and I mean that literally.